A Handbook for the Effective Administration of State and Local Digital Equity Programs
When it comes to expanding broadband connectivity, policy makers face two major challenges: (1) ensuring that all U.S. residents have access to high-speed fixed broadband connectivity (“availability”), and (2) ensuring that as many U.S. residents as possible subscribe to fixed broadband (“adoption”). In other words, policy makers are tasked with making sure fixed broadband is both universally available and universally adopted.
Toward Effective Administration of State and Local Fixed Broadband Programs
“Toward Effective Administration of State and Local Fixed Broadband Programs” explains how state, municipal, and other local governments can best maximize the impact of funding from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and other federal, state, and local programs to develop comprehensive broadband strategies.
A Handbook for the Effective Administration of State and Local Broadband Programs
“A Handbook for the Effective Administration of State and Local Broadband Programs” is intended to help state, city, and local governments most effectively administer American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and other funds for broadband availability and adoption programs.
Connect2Recover:A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new norm
“Connect2Reconnect: A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new normal” was prepared for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as Phase One of their Connect2Recover initiative. The initiative was created in partnership with the governments of Japan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Development of National Broadband Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Inter-American Development Bank’s “Development of National Broadband Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean” details the benefits of and proposes a framework for national broadband plans in the region.