Toward Effective Administration of State and Local Fixed Broadband Programs

blue sky with text "Twoard Effective Administration of State and Local Fixed Broardband Programs"

“Toward Effective Administration of State and Local Fixed Broadband Programs” explains how state, municipal, and other local governments can best maximize the impact of funding from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and other federal, state, and local programs to develop comprehensive broadband strategies. In addition to summarizing key administrative requirements for these Acts and programs, this report provides nine guiding principles for planning and implementation efforts: 1) prudent administration and oversight, 2) targeted, 3) technology neutral, 4) broadband capable, 5) secure and resilient, 6) best value, 7) non-distortionary, 8) deployed quickly, and 9) equitable by design. It also features effective pilot programs and case studies that can be copied and shows how governments and partner organizations can meet short- and long-term goals most cost-effectively and equitably.


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