Development of National Broadband Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Inter-American Development Bank’s “Development of National Broadband Plans in Latin America and the Caribbean” details the benefits of and proposes a framework for national broadband plans in the region. The plans of those countries that do have a plan are generally outdated and lack clear, ambitious, and achievable policy-related commitments and quantifiable targets. In addition, many lack effective monitoring and evaluation programs. The six key elements common to National Broadband Plans in countries that have made the most progress towards their goals are 1) good governance, 2) clear goals, 3) regular assessment of broadband availability and adoption, 4) supply-side interventions, 5) demand-stimulation activities, and 6) monitoring and evaluation programs. It finds that global connectivity efforts are not ambitious enough and outlines the targets that a well-considered National Broadband Plan could achieve in the region. 


Connect2Recover:A methodology for identifying connectivity gaps and strengthening resilience in the new norm