Supporting Innovative Companies in Entering New Markets

black woman with computer leaning against glass to server room

As broadband providers expand their networks, and new, innovative broadband technologies are brought to market, understanding where to deploy is crucial. A global technology company seeking to bring a new, innovative broadband service option to market has retained Vernonburg Group to help craft a successfully deployment plan that considers and ameliorates any potential risks. We have supported the organization in:

  • Identifying potential new markets: Vernonburg Group has leveraged our multi-disciplinary team to identify potential markets that offer favorable economic conditions, an appropriately permissive regulatory regime, and the lowest deployment costs.

  • Assessing the risks of deploying to different geographies: Once the company has identified a preliminary list of locations, Vernonburg Group leverages its data analytics and economic modeling capabilities to understand the connectivity trends in the proposed deployment area, to forecast any potential political, regulatory, or financial risks, and to propose strategies for mitigating those risks.

  • Developing advocacy strategies to foster innovation friendly regulatory regimes in key locations: In some cases, the right market to enter may come with regulatory restrictions or hurtles that could stifle deployment of new broadband technologies. After working directly with the organization to identify the right markets to enter, Vernonburg Group has helped to craft cohesive positions on regulatory and political issues, develop effective strategies for engaging regulators, and draft advocacy materials for use in conversations with policymakers.


Helping Policymakers Maximize Broadband Funding


Crafting Effective Advocacy Strategies to Influence US Policymakers