Héctor Urrea Ayala
Based in Bogota, Colombia, Héctor has spent the last two decades working in the ICT (Information and communications technology) sector. Héctor has been an independent consultant for the last four years and previously worked for thirteen years in government and regulatory affairs roles for major global technology and telecommunications companies - including Microsoft, Nokia, and Telefonica. With a particular emphasis on the Latin America region, Héctor has multidisciplinary experiences and skills (local, regional, and global perspectives) focused on ICT public policy, regulatory affairs and government affairs, and the creation and management of public-private partnerships. Héctor’s clients have included private companies, some regulatory authorities, academic institutions, and industry associations.
Héctor’s public policy work has focused on: (1) Internet connectivity through traditional networks/technologies and other emergent technologies. (2) Digital ecosystem promotion and creation. (3) Competition in telecommunications markets. (4) Data protection rules management. (5) ICT fixed and mobile networks and services/spectrum policies and regulations. (5) Intellectual property in the digital environment. (6) Management processes regarding integration of telecommunications companies. (7) The definition of legal strategies in cases of restrictive competition practices.
Héctor has law degrees from Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Externado de Colombia, and Pantheon Assas – Paris II University.