Paul Garnett Paul Garnett

We Need a New Rural-By-Design Connectivity Technology Ecosystem

With the unforgettable 2020 US Presidential election finally starting to fade in the rearview mirror, it’s time to return to discussions about what needs to be done to stimulate our ailing economy, ensure that all of us can succeed in the new normal, and better prepare us for future natural and manmade disasters. President-elect Biden has stated that getting control of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery are among his top four priorities.

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Paul Garnett Paul Garnett

The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance – Reflecting on a Decade Promoting Spectrum Sharing

This week I attended the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance’s annual summit, which was held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As this is the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance’s eighth annual global summit (nine if you include a pre-formation event in Singapore), I thought I would provide some reflections on the event and on the last decade.

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